Thursday, April 17, 2008

to all my beloved sisters and brothers

Okay, one small request here. I'm gonna plug off two wisdom teeth tomorrow. They are giving me a hard time. Tomorrow eleven morning sharp. Plug off two in one shot. PLEASE PRAY HARD FOR ME. Its gonna be painful...super painful...well, at least to me it is T..T


ireneC said...

dear ma lao...
will definitely pray for u, stay strong!!
Yeah!! Just imagine next time u will not face anymore these kind of pain... This will soon become past, ya??
God bless u~

seemyee said...

thank you're the kindest ma lao touching...sniff sniff...hahahaha

ireneC said...

Wuwooow!! Where on earth can u find 'kind ma lao'?? interesting!! hhaaa...

seemyee said...

thats why're the last species dy...hahaha